Tuva Data Literacy Lessons

What is Tuva?

Tuva is a data literacy solutions platform that makes it easy to visualize, explore, filter, interpret, and make sense of data in different ways, calculate basic summary statistics, and annotate graphs with arrows, movable reference lines, notes, and other highlighting tools. 

Project teachers will learn how to use Tuva in conjunction with our own drinking water data, gaining confidence and capability to teach their students to manage, interpret, and communicate environmental health data in the context of a citizen science project. As students and teachers collect data as part of the SEPA “Communicating Data” project, it is deposited on our data platform on Tuva. Links to data literacy resources are available on the platform as well.

Explore the introductory and help documents below and then dive into the Five Initial Data Lessons for Teachers and Students and the Three Intro Lessons for Students!

Introduction and Help Documents

Five Initial Data Lessons for Teachers and Students

1. The Absolute Basics of Using Tuva to Explore and Visualize Data

2. Hello Data

3. Get to Know a Dataset

4. What Questions Can I Ask?

5. Variability Matters

Three Intro Lessons for Students

Lesson 1: Playing with Data

Lesson 2: Understanding Cases and Attributes

Lesson 3: Creating and Marking up Graphs

As students and teachers collect data as part of the SEPA “Communicating Data” project, it will be deposited on the drinking water data portal on Tuva. There is no need to upload your water quality data to Tuva. Links to data literacy resources are available on the Tuva Drinking Water Data landing page. Data from the 2015-2017 EPA All About Arsenic project is housed on Tuva as well.