OGF Data Resources

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Arsenic Data on Anecdata.org

Exploring arsenic data on Tuva

What’s with all the different websites?

We know it’s a lot, but each site has a different purpose: 

  1. All About Arsenic has curriculum ideas, sample collection instructions, resources for samplers, and links to Tuva and Anecdata. 
  2. Anecdata.org is a citizen science platform used to collect, manage, and share data. Each sample that’s collected as part of the project is registered on Anecdata, anonymized, and added to a data set that can be used for analysis. Individuals can look up their well water test results on Anecdata by searching for their sample number. 
  3. Tuva is a data literacy site that offers lessons, curriculum activities, and loads of datasets for teachers and students to play with. Additionally, all the arsenic data is being downloaded from Anecdata and uploaded to Tuva on an All About Arsenic-specific platform just for students and teachers involved in the SEPA grant.
  4. LabCentral has workspaces that allow participants to create or join forum discussions, share pictures, and make announcements.