Teacher Curriculum

Curriculum ideas, resources, and materials can be found here.

Bioassay Curricula

A bioassay is an experiment that uses living things to test the toxicity of chemicals.

Scientist Partners in the SEPA project have provided resources for bioassays. They have been organized into curriculum templates for easy implementation.

Other Curriculum Resources

Project coordinators and scientist partners will support teachers as they engage in their SEPA projects.

Explore other curricula, online resources, and activities that may supplement your classroom projects or provide ideas for intergenerational learning.

Digital Interactive Notebooks

Digital Interactive Notebooks (DIN) are resources for students to explore content while answering questions and engaging in activities that help teachers understand the extent of student learning. 

Zebrafish Toxicology Dataset

Developed by Remy Babich, based on her published graduate work, this SEPA-Zebrafish toxicology experiment dataset was turned into a student friendly version with supplemental curriculum.

pH and Other Intergenerational Activities

Watch this space!